v1.9 [2022.05.28] - new method for Standalone Flash Player download (provided links for official and archived versions) - add Flash file type FWS / CWS / ZWS (last two compressed) after version in information block - some dialog text rephrase v1.8 [2018.10.01] - Adobe removes all older Standalone Flash Player files, only latest player available now - add missing const to declaration of miniz array, no .data section, less executable size - minor code cleanup v1.7 [2017.03.15] - added support for Flash 25 - fixed invalid HTTP request for latest available Standalone Player version detection - popup menu for the list of available Standalone Players replaced with the combo box v1.6 [2016.12.21] - added support for Flash 24 - fixed version information block window styles (borders was invisible under Windows 98) - fixed version information block height (last line with the add/replace player version was invisible) - add minimize button - window can be minimized now - add version resources - minor code cleanup v1.5 [2016.03.13] This version changes aimed to make it more flexible to any possible future Flash releases. - added support for Flash 21 and any other possible future versions if Adobe didn't change version increment method - latest available Standalone Player version will be detected on the first usage of "Get player..." button per program run through official Adobe version check URL, but in case of any network errors version 21 will be used as the latest - "Compress" option renamed to "(Re)Compress" because that's what it actually do - compress uncompressed Flash file or recompress already compressed Flash file (i.e. uncompress and compress it back again) - minor code cleanup v1.4 [2015.12.10] - added support for Flash 20 - minor code cleanup v1.3 [2015.09.22] - added support for Flash 19 - source codes now available through GitHub repository: https://github.com/systoolz/mmaflash v1.2 [2015.06.10] - added support for Flash 18 - added "Get player..." button which allows to download any Standalone Player version - version information block moved to the bottom and now displays more detailed output - code cleanup, removed PNG routines from miniz v1.1 [2015.04.26] - added support for LZMA-compressed Flash files (only "Keep unchanged" mode) - improved Flash and Standalone Player version comparsion - required Standalone Flash Player version can be downloaded from application - replaced zlib with miniz: reduced program size and added progress bar in cost of a bit worse compression (but still better than default one from Adobe) - fixed manifest resource id (fixes window styles) - fixed commandline routine - set active link to the site - source codes released to public v1.0 [2014.05.27] - first publice release